The golf ball is on the face of the club for about 300 microseconds.
In that precise instant a lot of things have to be done exactly right.
Within one millisecond, the Vector Pro Launch System takes two photos of
the ball. Then its sophisticated software instantly analyzes those photos
and displays the data.
The accuracy of the Vector Pro Launch System is impressive. It measures
ball speed within 0.5 mph, launch angle within 0.2 degrees, backspin and
sidespin within 150 rpm and side angle within two degrees.
The technology that makes the Vector Pro accurate and easy to use once
cost hundreds of thousands of dollars; in the last five years computers
have become fast enough and digital imaging inexpensive enough to make the
technology affordable to all golfers.
Our flight model was developed through thousands of hours spent in
the lab, performing wind and range testing, and in tests with golf equipment
manufacturers. The Vector Pro camera data combined with our flight model
projections allow the Vector Pro Launch System to accurately display each
shot's offline, carry, roll, and total distance.
Data from our flight model enables you to perform fittings and instruction
with precision not previously available. In particular, our flight model
is providing a new framework for determining the optimal spin and launch
angle of a golf shot.