Golf Ball Finder Glasses    

Tinted glasses that make lost golf balls and putting green breaks appear.

Golf Course Play

You can apply Probable Golf to the course with success right away, unlike swing changes.

Make Your 19th Hole the Best

You'll be able to boast about your new found knowledge.

Golf Ball Finder Assistants   

Using the physics of light, these glasses create vivid contrast so that you can see your golf ball in thick grass and make out those hidden breaks on putting greens. The Blue tinted glasses can also assist seeing the golf ball in flight against the sky on long shots. From this site, you can order:  

 1. Blue tinted Golf Ball Finder Glasses .... $24.95 US

2. Yellow tinted Golf Ball Putting Glasses .... $19.95 US


Two Choices to Save Strokes


How do the glasses work ?

Putting Glasses

The images above are comparison between using glasses and not. Note the added detail that one can see using the lenses. Note how there is less glare.

As you venture past the age of 40, or, tend to get a little tired, your eyes aren't able to focus well, even to read some text. So, you pull out the reading glasses. It's the same on the golf course. To read break, one must see the slopes of different parts of the green (no green is perfectly smooth). Sunlight is reflected off the blades of the grass, in many cases appearing very bright and washed out (see images above). These glasses filter out the bright non-green light eliminating the blinding "wash out" look and accentuating the green's contours. The slopes and undulations become clear, giving you 20/20 slope reading vision.

By using certain tinting pigments in the lenses of a pair of glasses you can selectively screen out specific wavelengths of light thereby allowing only certain wavelengths to pass through the lenses and reach the eye. This is how normal sunglasses work as well. Visiball Green Eyes varies the amount of light transmitted throughout the green wavelengths. resulting in an high level of visual acuity in the green part of the light spectrum. This helps the golfer differentiate more colors of green and thereby make it much easier to identify the slope of the green. This enhanced ability to discriminate between slightly different shades of green also helps the golfer identify the grain, subtle breaks, and foot prints. The identification of footprints is especially useful around the cup as this is a high traffic area. Although Visiball Green Eyes were developed with putting in mind, they are also very useful in approach shots and bunker shots near the green as they allow the golfer to identify the proper landing area for their shot and plot the proper path to the cup. The glasses are UV protected and can be used as sunglasses. With the Visiball Green Eyes on, your surroundings will appear green. This will allow you to see the green portion of the light spectrum with greater acuity.

Putting Glasses $19.95.

Finder Glasses

Golf Ball Finders patented technology eliminates the light from background objects and lets the golfer quickly locate their wayward ball in the rough or underbrush. Find your lost golf balls quickly and easily with these specially designed, easy to use glasses. A pair of Golf Ball Finders makes a great gift for the golfer on your shopping list. Golf Ball Finder Glasses help you find your golf ball. With a pair of Golf Ball Finder glasses in your golf bag,

 YOU CAN EXPECT: Fewer penalty strokes and therefore a lower score. 

 Reduced time looking for your lost balls. 

 Cash savings in replacement golf balls. 

 More enjoyment from the game of golf. 

 Golf Ball Finder Glasses Allow You to Follow Ball Flight Testimonial: I just wanted to let you know that even though I received the glasses sometime back, today was actually the first day I had a chance to try them out on a golf course. To say I was pleased would be an understatement. For the first time in over a year I was able to follow the flight of my golf ball off the club head without asking a playing partner "did you see where that went?" In all honesty, I was ready to give my clubs away and give up the game I truly love so much. Thanks to you, all that has changed. I plan on playing again tomorrow and even though I am no threat to Tiger, golf has once again become fun....and isn't that what it should be? Thanks again for a great product. 

Sincerely yours, Terry D. Peckham

Golf Ball Finder Glasses have a special combination of pigments that cause white golf balls to emanate a glow effect, making them much more visible then other objects in the background. This unique pigment combination also helps eliminate light reflecting off background objects, further enhancing the perceptibility of your golf ball. 

Finder Glasses $24.95.

 How do they work? 

The underbrush of a golf course is predominantly made up of browns, greens, and blacks (mostly reflecting from dirt, grass, bushes, twigs, etc). Golf Ball Finders use special blue filters that eliminate all visible wavelengths except those at the blue end of the spectrum. These special filters virtually eliminate light reflecting off grass and the dark objects of the underbrush, thus high lighting white golf balls. Most dark objects show up only as outlines while the white golf ball appears to glow with a slight blue tint. 

 Product Features: Virtually indestructible frame ensures years of use. Curved arms to ensure glasses stay in place while searching. Can fit over existing glasses.Wraparound lens eliminates peripheral light and provides an unobstructed searching field of view. Spectral selective lens eliminates most colors and enhances white objects. Lightweight, durable, scratch resistant polymer lens.