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Welcome to Probable Golf's FREE Handicap Calculator!
The following Golf Handicap Calculator uses an
average of your best previous rounds of golf. The USGA Course
Rating and Slope
Rating should
be available from your scorecard or from your golf course. If not, look them
up here.
These will make your handicap calculation more accurate.
You must enter at least 5 adjusted scores for
this calculator to accurately calculate your handicap. An adjusted score
into account
the Equitable Stroke Control system. You must also enter
the course and slope ratings for the courses played.
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How a USGA golf handicap is calculated.
A USGA Handicap Index is a USGA mark that represents the potential ability
of a player on a course of standard difficulty. Potential ability is measured
a player's best scores, and is expressed as a number taken to one decimal
place. These scores are identified by calculating the handicap differential
for each
score. The USGA Handicap Index is calculated by taking 96 percent of the
average of the best handicap differentials, and applying Section 10-3 for
golfers with
two or more eligible tournament scores.
10-1. How to Determine Handicap Differentials
A handicap differential is computed from four elements: adjusted gross score,
USGA Course Rating, USGA Slope Rating and 113 (the Slope Rating of a course
of standard difficulty). To determine the handicap differential, subtract the
USGA Course Rating from the adjusted gross score; multiply the difference by
113; then divide the resulting number by the USGA Slope Rating. Round the final
number to the nearest tenth.
Handicap Differential = (Adjusted Gross Score - USGA Course Rating) x 113
/ USGA Slope Rating
When the adjusted gross score is higher than the USGA Course Rating, the handicap
differential is a positive number.
NOTE: this is not an official handicap calculation and can not be used as
such, even though it is calculated using the correct methods and formula.
The new way to adjust scores with Equitable Stroke Control
sets a maximum number that a player can post on any hole depending on the
player's Course Handicap.
If you're out of a hole and pick up to speed up play, jot down the score you
most likely would have made.
For Handicap purposes, you are required to adjust your hole scores (actual or
probable) when they are higher than your maximum number you can post.
There is no limit to the number of holes on which you can adjust your score.
For example, Woodstock and I played a match at Beagle Haven Country Club from
the beagle tees. My USGA Handicap Index is 11.6 and my Course Handicap is 13,
which allows me a maximum number of 7 on any hole when posting my score for Handicap
purposes. Woodstock has an 18.2 index and a Course Handicap of 20, which allows
him a maximum number of 8 on any hole when posting for Handicap purposes.
Adjust Your Scores With Equitable Stroke Control
Course Handicap |
Number Posted on Any Hole |
or less |
Bogey |
through 19 |
7 |
through 29 |
8 |
through 39 |
9 |
or more |
10 |
Scan your score card for any hole where your score (actual
or probable) is higher than your maximum number.
Reduce these higher scores to your maximum number for handicap purposes.
Post your adjusted score.
Scratch Golfer
is one whose proficiency is such that the better half of his scores will equal
the equivalent of what the better half of the US Amateur Championship field
scores. This golfer can really hit it.
Bogey Golfer
is one with a USGA Handicap Index® of 17.5 to 22.4 (21.5 to 26.4). He (she)
can hit tee shots an average of 200 (150) yards and can reach a 370 (280) yard
hole in two shots. This golfer hits it more than once to get it to the hole.
Course Rating
The USGA® mark that indicates the evaluation of the playing difficulty
of a course for scratch golfers. It is based on yardage and other obstacles
to the extent that they affect the scoring difficulty of the scratch golfer.
Example: 68.5
Bogey Rating
the one number every golfer worse than a scratch should check before deciding
which tees to play. This rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty
of a course for the bogey golfer. It is based on yardage, effective playing
length and other obstacles to the extent that affect the scoring ability
of the bogey golfer. To figure out this number, other than from looking at
this database, the bogey golfer should take the Slope Rating®, divide
it by the set factor (5.381 for men, and 4.24 for women) and add that to
the Course Rating. The result is a target score for the bogey golfer, and
is a truer yardstick of the challenge that lies ahead for the particular
set of tees. Example: 96.3- which predicts the bogey golfer's average of
his ten best (out of twenty) scores would be approximately 96.3 from this
particular set of tees.
Slope Rating
the USGA mark that indicates the measurement of the relative difficulty for
the bogey golfer compared to the Course Rating. Slope Rating is computed
from the difference between the bogey rating and the Course Rating. The lowest
Slope Rating is 55 and the highest is 155. Example: 125
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Instruction, Ken Tannar 2001-2015. All Rights Reserved.
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