No matter how much you practice?
The answer:
Down Dammit!"
Whether beginner or advanced, you will never reach your golf potential until you understand the principle and technique of hitting down at the golf ball.
The Hit Down Dammit! There's much more to learning this game than hitting it long and straight. In my extensive experience teaching golf I have come to see that most golfers have more than enough ability. Yet they still struggle. Typically their problem lies not with their talent level, but with the fact they are trying to do something wrong. In an overwhelming majority of cases they are trying to hit up at the golf ball - AND THAT IS WRONG! Click here to add this page to your favorites Plays on the following systems: MS Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003; even an old Pentium I 100Mhz with 16MB RAM and Win95 is fine. (Sorry Mac users)Measure your swing speed with affordable Doppler radar!! Learn more by clicking here. Receive a free copy of " How to hit the Longest Golf Ball Using New Golf Club Technology" |
"You have created a Masterpiece!" "...the more I study your program the more I realize that you have created a Master Piece. (I spend about 2 hours per day practicing.) To say I am passionate about improving is an understatement. I am so excited about what I have learned this past week. The information in "Hit Down Dammit" has done more for my golf swing in one week than all the other tapes I have watched by Leadbetter, McLean, Harmon etc. They never really explain the concept of hitting down. The thrust drill forced me to change the angle I was coming toward the ball." (cont.) David Arbelaez, CA
Recommended By Top Golf Pros Clive Scarff has been teaching for 10 years and through this period he has come to the realization that this is the area where most people struggle with the golf swing. The idea of hitting down at a golf ball sitting on the ground is foreign to many people, and this CD makes it very easy to understand. Whether it is a 5-iron over water or a 25 yard pitch shot, this CD will work for you. Clive has taught thousands of golf lessons, and his teaching methods, along with his passion for the game, come through loud and clear in "Hit Down Dammit!" I know it has worked for me.
ORDER "HIT DOWN DAMMIT!" ONLINE More often than not I find students are trying to get under the ball and lift it into the air - and that is not how a golf shot works. And the more they try, the more they fail. The "amount" of practice becomes inconsequential if what you are practicing is wrong. It then became obvious that clearly and thoroughly explaining the physics of the golf swing - a downward action - suddenly allowed students to do things they "wanted" to do before, but could never achieve. Actions such as a proper weight shift, releasing the golf club, and even chipping became simple when the action was married to a downward strike at the ball. As a golf pro, I - like many golfers - have read a multitude of golf books and am aware there are thousands more out there. It was never my intention to add to that list. But one comment that kept coming back to me time and time again - one that compelled me to sit down and write, "Hit Down Dammit!". Almost any time I introduced a student to the principle of hitting down, the reaction was: "No one has ever told me that before!" This was even the reaction of students who had previously invested hundreds of dollars in golf lessons. And so, "Hit Down Dammit!" was born. While this is not a "how-to play golf" lesson, no beginner can afford to learn this game without the vital information included on this CD. And as for intermediate or advanced players, especially those who feel they have reached a plateau in the development of their golf game, "Hit Down Dammit" will show you how fully understanding the principle of the golf swing will remove any impediments to constant improvement. I am fortunate to have created "Hit Down Dammit!" at a time where technology allows us to go beyond traditional instructional books. By creating this vital lesson in the form of an interactive CD we are able to add video, sound, full-size photographs, as well as the ability to print out lessons and drills on one's own computer. For the cost of a single golf lesson this CD can teach you what it would take a season of golf lessons to accomplish. Not to mention you can take the lesson over and over again! At your leisure, on your timetable, at home, in the car, or at the range. Clive Scarff Teaching Professional |
If no one - instructor, friend, book or magazine - has explained to you the principle & technique of hitting down at the golf ball, you are missing critical information. Without this information you will always struggle. |